Selecting the right recording scene is wise for the project. Most often you will record in AUTO scene mode.
All the other recording modes are creative with unique ending results. This page is dedicated to the quick summary providing links to videos and articles further explaining these modes.
We recommend you master the art and function of using the Time Lapse camera system before changing the recording mode prior to playing with the rest of scene modes.
Always double check your recording scene from the Information screen.
You guessed it. This is for for our nighttime enthusiasts. Those who want to record from dusk to dawn and everything during those long night owl nights.
Good for stars, sunset/sunrises, maybe even comet. We find the system works better with more light than the absence of it. Think, moon-lit sky and snow on the ground, which helps to reflect light.
Go ahead, try it out in your city backyard to see the results for yourself.
Shutter speed is approximately less than 2 second.
BLC (Back light Compensation)
A NEW scene recording mode in the 200S family. This mode is all about balancing exposure of the scene.
It's interesting to consider in situations where the scene is lit from behind and you want to balance out the light from the back to the front of the subject.
We recommend you try this one out carefully and see to the results for yourself in a test before committing to a long term project in this mode.

more tid-bits of good information
check that white balance
Fact, light changes throughout the day. For our time-lapse users you can control the white balance by locking it down to a specific color to reduce color shift throughout the day.
Fast tip of the day: use Auto, Day or try out Florescent white balance in your scene.

Auto Exposure Optimizer

AE (Auto Exposure) Optimizer improves the shifts in white balance, potential flicker and exposure fluctuations with light changing through the day and your scene. This feature overrides the 50/60 Hz selection and reduces exposure flicker found in interior lighting conditions.
When in doubt if your shooting indoors, turn this ON from the settings fly out menu.

Dive into learning about the camera at our full on-line user guide.
www.TimeLapseCameras.com continues to update this section as Afidus add new features with every update.